IEN - Micro/Nano Fabrication Facility
Not Relabeling Properly Each Quarter

Not re-labeling properly with the correct color label every billing quarter

Penalty: Items mislabeled will be purged at the end of deadline.

Each billing quarter consists of 3 months - beginning January, April, July, and October. At the start of each quarter, users must re-label all their chemical bottles they wish to keep in the cleanroom storage cabinets and refrigerators.

Users with dry-boxes and tote-boxes must re-label their boxes as well. The garment hanger labels also should be relabeled.

The color of the label changes each quarter. Users are allowed to change the label-color of their items within a period of two weeks. Labels can be printed online from any computer here

The chemical labels print to the label-printer next to the computers inside the cleanroom, bay 4. The storage-box and garment labels print to the label-printer next to the computer in the gowning room.

If a user does not have a dry-box/tote-box/garment hanger, but wants one, he/she can request for one here. Buzzcard number, Scheduler ID and password will be needed to request any of these items.