IEN - Micro/Nano Fabrication Facility
Failure To Log Out

Failure to log out from the computer in the gowning room

Penalty: Suspension

First Offense: Written Warning.

Second Offense: One-week suspension from cleanroom.

Third and subsequent Offenses: One-week suspension each time.

All users must swipe their Buzzcard at the computer in the gowning room on leaving the cleanroom, provided you are not using any equipment inside the cleanroom. If for any reason, the computer malfunctions, you have to report in the logbook located next to the computer.

From the moment you enter the cleanroom until you are no longer using any equipment inside the cleanroom, you must remain logged in at the computer. If you are leaving the cleanroom, but are still using equipment inside the cleanroom, you should not log out of the computer. When you are done with equipment usage, you should be sure to log out of the computer.