Tektronix 370A Curve tracer
Tektronix 370A, a high-resolution curve tracer is used in a wide variety of applications. The 370A performs DC parametric characterization of transistors, thyristors, diodes, SCRs, MOSFETs, optoelectronic components, solar cells, solid state displays and other semiconductor devices. It is used for characterization of new designs, extraction of SPICE parameters, failure analysis and data sheet generation. In manufacturing test applications, the 370A is used to verify device quality and process monitoring.
- Collector supply voltage: 0 to ± 2000 V
- Collector current sensitivity: 100 pA/div
- Step generator: 50 nA to 2 A or 50 mV to 40 V
Keithley 2430C 1kW Pulse SourceMeter
The Keithley 2430 100V/10A/100W SourceMeter Instrument is designed specifically for test applications that demand tightly coupled sourcing and measurement. The 2430C provides precision voltage and current sourcing as well as measurement capabilities; it is both a highly stable DC power source and a true instrument-grade 6 1/2-digit multimeter. The power source characteristics include low noise, precision, and readback. The multimeter capabilities include high repeatability and low noise. In operation, this instrument can act as a voltage source, a current source, a voltage meter, a current meter, and an ohmmeter.
Photovoltaic cells
Keithley 2000 Multimeter
The 6½-digit 2000 Series offers a unique combination of high-precision, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility. For greater flexibility, a built-in card slot on the rear panel allows an additional multiplexer card for multi-point measurement applications. It supports IEEE-488 and RS-232 interfaces and DC voltage sensitivity as low as 100nV and basic accuracy of 0.002%
Precision multimeter
Tektronix TBS1102B-EDU Oscilloscope
The TBS1000B Digital Storage Oscilloscope Series include USB connectivity, 34 automated measurements, limit testing, data logging, frequency counter, TrendPlot™ and a context-sensitive help menu. Specifications are 100 MHz bandwidth, 2 Ch, 2 GS/s sampling rate and TFT DSO.
General purpose oscilloscope
HP4140B pA meter/DC Source
The HP 4140B pA Meter/DC Voltage Source provides a stable picoampere meter with a maximum resolution of 10-15 A, and two programmable dc voltage sources. This, along with the programmable hold and step delay function, enables you to make synchronized measurements on a device or on material. Stable, high resolution current measurements: 0.001 x 10-12 A to 1.999 x 10-2 A, accuracy 0.5%, 3.5-digit display. Calculated capacitance range: 0.1 pF to 1999 pF (in two ranges)
HP 6255A Dual DC Power Supply
The HP 6255A series of power supplies combines the versatility of a dual power supply with the flexibility of auto-series and auto-parallel operation, each supply can deliver the maximum-rated output voltage or current of each section. Output voltage ranges 0 - 40 V within 0 - 1.5 A current.
DC power supply
Tenma DC Power Supply
The Tenma 72-2005 is a DC power supply and the output voltage is continuously adjustable between 0 to 18 V by means of a coarse and fine potentiometer. The load current may have any value from 0 A to 3 A and can be adjusted. Both voltage and current outputs can read on embedded voltmeter and ammeter.
DC power supply