IEN - Micro/Nano Fabrication Facility
M: Film Thickness

Film thickness measurements are good to ensure the amount of material is deposited, etched or how much a photoresit was developed. Often used in hand with samples to verify rate of deposition or etch on a tool. Some of the tools below may also be used to determine surface roughness. Surface roughness could affect the adhesion of subsequent layers (mechanical interlocking is the mechanisim).


Pro's (+) 

Cons (-)

Dektack 150 Profilometer

phyical measurement so can ensure it is right depth as long as stylus can properly work contact

Tencor P15 Profilometer

phyical measurement so can ensure it is right depth as long as stylus can properly work contact

Nanospec Relectometer 

noncontact, quick to use, esp. good for Oxides and photoresists

can't measure through all materials, can't be used for surface roughness

Q-sense QCM-D


Woollam Ellipsometer 

noncontact higher learning curve needed

Wyko NT200 Profilometer (VEECO) 

noncontact higher learning curve needed

Wyko Profilometer NT3300

noncontact higher learning curve needed
Contact Information
Hang Chen, Ph.D.
Process Support Manager
The Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology at Georgia Tech
345 Ferst Drive, Atlanta GA, 30332 | 1152
404.894.3360 |