IEN - Micro/Nano Fabrication Facility
M: Other Measurements

Is the low stress nitride really low stress? Check it by utilizing the Bowoptic Stress Measurement. Is the vendor sending the particle distribution claimed? Are there voids forming in the Cu TSVs? Check without destorying the sample in the Dage X-ray. Granted there are resolution limitations.


Pro's (+) 

Cons (-)

Malvern Zetasizer (Cleanroom - Marcus Organic)   - Particle Size, Zeta Potential  
Bowoptic Stress Measurement (Marcus Inorganic) stress measurement tool based on Stoney's Formula for stress and so need to take measurment between all processing stress to have a better idea of stress & not localized
Dage X-Ray XD7600 NT

highest resolution and largest X-ray images for failure analysis with oblique angle views up to 70 degrees, 750nm (0.75 micron) feature recognition

Outside the cleanrrom
Contact Information
Hang Chen, Ph.D.
Process Support Manager
The Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology at Georgia Tech
345 Ferst Drive, Atlanta GA, 30332 | 1152
404.894.3360 |