IEN - Packaging Research Center
Lab Overview 

The Packaging Research Center at Georgia Tech is the only university in the academic world with a 300 mm cleanroom package and assembly facility capable of producing leading-edge multi-functional interposers and packages from design to prototypes.  The labs were installed at a cost of more than $40M USD. It houses a 300mm substrate fabrication facility, assembly facility, materials research labs, electrical test asreas, and environmental testing facilities. The research labs serve to enable cutting-edge research in core areas of advanced packaging technologies encompassing the complete breadth from fundamental research to functional design and demonstration test vehicles to complete engineered systems. In addition, they serve a critical role in supporting hands-on-education, graduate research and industry research projects alike. Other fee-based, access-labs available for research on campus include research labs within the Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology of which the Packaging Research Center is a member. These labs consist of high frequency electrical testing in the Georgia Electronics Design Center, baseline materials growth processes in the Microelectronics Research Center, and physical inspection equipment in the Nanotechnology Research Center. Researchers within the Packaging Research Center consist of undergraduate students, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, faculty researchers, research engineers, and visiting industry engineers.