IMS - Biocleanroom
Equipment List

This is a listing of the Georgia Tech Biocleanroom equipment. The equipment focuses on six primary functions; imaging, printing and fabrication, soft lithography, soft materials and bio-technologies, spectroscopy, and thermal analysis. Each image is a link to further details or you can visit our Capabilities tab for more information. For applications please visit the Applications tab.




Hitachi S-3700N Variable Pressure SEM           Olympus LEXT Laser Confocal Microscope



        Amscope Inverted IN300TB




               Thermo iS50 FTIR Spectrometer                                                               Thermo Evolution 220 UV-Vis


Printing and Fabrication


                            JetLab II Inkjet Printer                                                                                   Bioforce Nano Enabler



              PixDro LP50 Inkjet Printer                                                Nanoscribe Photonics GT 3D Microprinter


Soft Lithography


       MJB4 Mask Aligner                                                                     Technics RIE

             Spin Coater


Soft Materials and Bio-Materials


               Biacore T200 SPR                                                                             Q-sense QCM-D


                    Particle Size and Zeta Potential                                              Goniometry/Contact Angle

                              Malvern Zetasizer                                                  Ramé-hart Model 250 Contact Angle



Thermal Analysis

          Thermogravimetric Analysis/Differential Scanning Calorimetry with FTIR Attachment


                                                                  (TA Q600 TGA/DSC)


   Differential Scanning Calorimeter

                  (TA Q200 DSC)



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Contact Information
Nikolas Roeske - Biocleanroom Process Engineer
The Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology at Georgia Tech
345 Ferst Drive, Atlanta GA, 30332
404.273.8674 |