Shared User Management System
Materials Innovation and Learning Laboratory Billing (The MILL) - Billing Group Dashboard
Materials Innovation and Learning Laboratory Billing
Rachel Hobby
Rachel Hobby
Rachel Hobby
Academic - Georgia Tech
Any researcher entry request is automatically approved.
Georgia Institute of Technology
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IEN Permission Next Quarter
Abadia Delgado, Viviana (vdelgado6)
Abraham, William (wabraham7)
Adcock, Mason (madcock6)
Ahmmed, Nafez (nahmmed3)
Ahsan, Meharabeen (mahsan33)
Akavaram, Pratyusha (pakavaram6)
Allison, Aiden (aallison32)
Alrawi, Omar (oalrawi3)
Anand, Sandhya (sanand310)
Anderson, Nathan (nanderson92)
Arora, Divjot (darora34)
Austin, Cory (caustin64)
Aycock, Katie (kaycock7)
Azfar, Muhammad (mazfar6)
Bielinski, Luke (lbielinski3)
Borden, Orrin (oborden3)
Bovatsek, Jacob (jbovatsek3)
Bowman, Tamara (tbowman36)
Brady, Emily (ebrady8)
Brissett, Chris-Andre (cbrissett3)
Broadway, Mary (mbroadway3)
Brook, Eileen (ebrook6)
Burton, Ashley (aburton47)
Buzzard, Jacob (jbuzzard3)
Cahall, Megan (mcahall3)
1 to 25 of 224 records
Permissions Definitions Help
Can Modify Settings: Edit all settings of the Billing group, including the information listed on the “Info” tab. This also allows user management actions to be taken. This is a sort of “Billing Group Administrator” permission as it gives all authorization and access.

Can Modify Members: Gives access to the User management tab. Researchers with this authorization can approve or reject entry requests, as well as add, edit, and remove Billing Group members.

Can View Financial: Gives access to the view budget reports, bills, and payment history. Researchers with this authorization can view financial information and pay bills.

Peoplesoft Project ID: The Project ID number is used to make payments. If a Equipment Group automatically charges a Billing Group or Researcher, the contents of this field will be used. If empty, automatic charges will default back to the Billing Group overall Project ID and Doc IDs.

Payment Doc ID: This field is for a billing Doc ID number used to make payments. If a Equipment Group automatically charges a Billing Group or Researcher the contents of this field will be used. If empty, automatic charges will default back to the Billing Group overall Project ID and Doc IDs.

User Budget: This is a budget for the Researcher. If this number is not zero, charges will only be permitted to be created until the budget has been reached. After such time any action that may cause a charge, such as logging into a piece of equipment, will not be permitted until the budget is raised or reset to zero.

Budget Used:This is the overall budget used to date by this Researcher.